Hey! Yes, you have landed on the right page. You probably tried to remove the sticky label from your ankara print, and after peeling pieces after pieces you stopped and wondered why would they do that??
The label is informative, but what a headache to peel it off.
Today, say goodbye to the pieces you tried to rip off and grab your iron!
Step 1
Turn on your iron on medium heat, no need to be too hot or else you will damage your African print.
Step 2
Grab a piece of cotton fabric to lay on top of the sticker area. It will act as a protective layer, to prevent the sticker from burning under the heat.You will have to repeat this process a couple of times. As you can see there are 2 main labels and each end of the African print has a sticker too.
Step 3
This is the moment of glory and satisfaction! Peel the label.
I hope this helped!